Friday, March 22, 2019

Hotspotting: free wirting

I still remember that hot night, walking through unknown streets with the people speaking language we did not understand, it was the whole new experience for us and a good lesson, not to forget one of the most important things while you travel, "money". Then again, "Money is not everything" my friend argued. It can't buy love or friendship or happiness. We can still be loved, make friends or be happy without money. I would agree with her if I were a teenager whose full of fantasy and imaginations but life has taught me so well. Not everything can be achieved using "money" but I dare to say most of it can be done. Look everywhere around the world, the gap between riches and poors is growing wider and wider. What can we do? It's our nature to measure life by quantity, not quality. At the end of the day, we'll be a victim of money before we know it.

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