Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Blue Angel

Ted Swenson's relationship with Angela Argo(student) is very interesting from my point of view. I feel like he can relate to her and she is THAT student. And when I say THAT student I feel like every professor has that one student that shows something different than the others. She is described as an outcast and someone who doesn't really speak throughout the class but when she does its something that impresses Swenson. Also they have things in common which is something rare for Swenson. His relationship with his wife is  like a balance. They love each other and they are there for each other. Sometimes his wife, Sherrie, as said in the novel can act as a mother to Swenson. I can see it at points in the book as it goes on with small incidents. Sherrie is also the "know it all" implying she's more eloquent and responsible in certain situations.  He doesn't have a relationship with his daughter and has not spoken to her since she has left for college.  And for his colleagues he tries to avoid them but when he encounters them he makes small talk. This novel is in the third point of view meaning it is a story told my some one who is not in the book. This affects the way the novel is being read because you don't actually have a first point of view and don't know if what is being told is told correctly. I feel like throughout the novel Swenson creates a deeper relationship with Angela, I don't how deep the relationship will be but I just feel like since they mentioned that Professor's can not have a relationship with there students I feel like there will be one with Swenson and Angela. Overall the novel is interesting and keeps me engaged.

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