Saturday, March 16, 2019

Blue Angel the German Movie

Blue Angel is a German movie made in the 1930s. The film commentates on the increased participation women had in the workforce after the world war. If we keep this idea in mind it should influences our interpretation of the film. Blue Angel isn't simply a love story gone wrong it is also a story of independence. The film can also be considers a Noire because of its gritty nature and the character of Lola resembles a femme fatale. A femme fatale is a character in the Noire genre of film that is usually a women who is dangerous with hidden intentions. Lola in the film is a dangerous women. However, it is the professor who actively involves himself with Lola. Lola never at any point seeks to garner the professor's attention. The professor willingly with up a lot of his own freedom simply to be with Lola. The sacrifice which is typically made by women is being made my a man in this cause. The professor loses his job and relies on Lola financially for five years something that would be considered shameful of a man in that time period. The significance of the film to our class is because it is mentioned in the book "Blue Angel". In book "Blue Angel" Swenson is inspired by the movie "Blue Angel" when writing his first novel. Swenson's first novel was written while he was under the influence of love. At the time of writing his first novel, Swenson was actively pursuing Sherrie. Perhaps the author, Francis Prose, is attempting to say something of Swenson's character by having the naming of her title and Swenson's own books be so influenced by the movie "Blue Angel". I believe that Swenson will eventually meet his end quiet similarly to the Professor in the movie. Swenson will find himself grasping at his old life ruined by his desires for a women that he isn't meant to be with. Overall I enjoyed the film, but not so much the first parts which felt slow. The ending of "Blue Angel" paid off the slow set up done in the earlier parts.

1 comment:

  1. Good comments on the film, David. It's true that many older films have a different pace than more contemporary movies.
