Monday, March 18, 2019

Blue Angel, Week 3

Several of you have expressed the desire that Swenson won't sleep w/ Angela Argo. And yet he does. How did you react when you read that scene? Were you surprised? Why or why not?

Other questions:

  • Swenson thinks after the sex scene, "Chicken soup! The adulterer's wife cooks him chicken soup. You couldn't get away with writing a scene so obvious and corny..." (177). And yet Prose is writing that scene right there. Does she get away with it? Why or why not?
  • The sex scene is a kind of fulcrum, a point that pivots everything else. We've been heading toward this moment for over 100 pp and then it happens and changes everything. How do you see Swenson, Sherrie, and Angela now? What has changed? 
  • After Swenson reads the sex scene in Angela's novel, he feels determined to prove that he's not the music teacher in her book, that he's better. What do you think?
  • What does the broken tooth symbolize? 
  • Now that the sex has happened, what do you predict will happen next? (If you've read ahead, don't give it away for those who haven't.)
  • What questions do you have?


  1. I wasn't surprised at all that Swenson ended up sleeping with Angela. It was obvious that the more he tried resisting his desire for Angela the more he engaged himself with her. He could have distanced himself from her but instead he got closer to her. After he realized Angela actually wanted him he knew he did as well. What made him resist was his moral principles because he has a wife and a daughter. His daughter is the same age as Angela. I think for the rest of the novel he'll continue sleeping with Angela but he will probably get caught. I feel like Sherrie will catch on to what he's doing.

  2. I don't think Swenson is wrong, I have a very open perspective and I know stuff like this can happen. Yea he put himself in that position but however I think things like this are of nature. No one is perfect but of-course things do happen. I think it's more inconvenient for them considering he is married that is her student but if it that weren't the case it would be different. Swenson tries to prove he is not the music professor because he feels guilty about what he has done. He feels like proving something to himself because thats how you feed you guilt and I know this by experience. I think the sex will continue but they will get caught and he will lose his job. I feel like what happened in "Blue Angle" will happen in "The Blue Angel" he will end up losing everything for a naive mistake.
