Tuesday, March 12, 2019

blue angel movie

The film Blue Angel and the novel Blue Angel have some similarities. Both main characters are English professors at the college level. In the beginning of the film the professor seems to be annoying to me. I understand he wants the best for is students but he gets too involved in his students personal life. He repeatedly tried catching them doing wrong things like being at a nightclub.  he kept visiting the club until he was able to catch them there. But while he was there one of the dancers named Lola caught his attention. She seduces him and he falls in love with her. It's ironic because he was there to catch his students doing wrong but instead he got caught up doing something deemed as wrong which is being with a woman that people saw Lola as. The feelings that they have for each other seem mutual. To the point where he ask to marry her. His gut kept telling him to visit the night club and it paid off as they got married to each other.

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