Saturday, March 16, 2019

Blue angle pages 63- 126

The recent chapters of "Blue Angel" concerns itself with two major events. The first event is Swenson having lunch with Magda at the Maid of Orleans. The reader is given further insight into the character Magda and find out that her and Swenson have unspoken feelings for each other. The lunch between Magda and Swenson is very engaged. Swenson tries to extract as much information on Angela from Magda, Magda gauging the reasons for Swenson's interest in Angela. Magda is concerned that Swenson's interest in Angela might not be pure. The second major event that occurs between pg 63-126 is the dinner party that Dean Francis Bentham hosts. During this party Magda vocalizes some mistakes shes made recently concerning her work as a teacher. Swenson is hesitant at first, but ultimately makes a fool of himself to defend Magda. The reason for Swenson's outburst is because of Angela. Swenson feels his wife had settled into a compromise with herself, instead of voicing her opinions to her peers she tries instead not rock the boat with them. This further illustrates Swenson's obsession with Angela's qualities. This is also the first time we see Swenson internally compare Angela and his wife. Internally Swenson's wife doesn't hold the same amount of respect that Angela has gained recently. Furthermore when the couple return home Swenson uses Angela's dirty poems before sleeping with his wife. Despite not directly cheating these actions aren't necessarily blameless. The guilt is apparent the next time Swenson is in class. Swenson is overly conscious of Angela's presence. At one point Swenson decides not to help another student simply because he was jealous that Angela gave that student some attention. Overall I think the recent chapters are meant to demonstrate Swenson's fall from being a decent husband. Swenson might not realize it himself but at of his action in the recent chapters can be viewed as cheating.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a really good point, David. Many people might have a simplistic view of the word "cheating," but maybe it's more nuanced that simply whether or not you sleep w/ someone who is not your wife.
