Friday, March 22, 2019

Blue Angel 124-174

Currently with the recent chapters, Professor Swenson and Angela end up having intercourse briefly. The incident occurs in Angela's dorm room after the two take a trip to acquire a new computer for Angela. Swenson becomes bolder and bolder through the course of the trip until the moment when he just doesn't care much more about who sees him. At the beginning of the day Swenson is hesitant and nervous. We can deduce this by him taking time meticulously picking the cloths he'll be wearing. It is during the trip to the store that Swenson encounters his coworkers Lauren Healy. On his exiting of Angela's room he is met with Claris. Also at the computer store Swenson is seen by a young employee. In total Swenson was seen by three people during his little outing with Angela. The reason this trip occurred was because Angela gave Swenson a chapter that involved the the in story teacher making a move on the main character. Swenson felt like Angela was writing directly to him and later when Swenson asks if the door is locked in Angela's room he figures that Angela planned the whole thing. It is also in these few chapters that we find out that Angela lied about her father dying or at least Swenson believes she is lying based off the parent teacher conference he had. Overall the story really escalated in these few chapters.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis of the trip to the computer store, David. It almost seems like a crime, as if Swenson will have to account for who saw him and when.
