Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Blue Angel page 187

On page 187 we start seeing how Angela's attitude towards Swenson starts to change, and unfortunate for Swenson, for the worst.  She becomes quite demanding, and disrespectful, and wants Swenson to show her novel to his editor in New York.  Something she would never have had the nerve to do prior to sleeping with him.  We also start to see a shift in power, with the wind totally in Angela's favor.  It seems now that Angela is positioning herself to take control of the situation, and Swenson himself.  Swenson is starting to get an idea of the ugly, terrible mistake he has made, and the world of s#*% that awaits him.

The funny thing about Swenson's predicament, to me, is that I don't think Swenson was ever really attracted to Angela Argo.  In the beginning of the story I got a sense that Swenson hardly noticed her because she was always quiet and withdrawn.  I believe the only reason Swenson starts to show interest at all is because of her writing. Also, her shared love of Chekhov, Tolstoy, Virginia Woolf and Stendhal, that really grabbed his attention.  He develops a somewhat kindred spirit towards Angela.  He can't believe that this tattooed, pierced face girl can write so well and meaningful. That like him, has a love for classical authors.  At times he tries to view things from Angela's young and rebellious point of view. He wonders what she would do or say in certain situations he's encountered, such as the time he and Sherrie felt obligated to attend Dean Bentham's dinner invitation. He wondered what Angela's response might have been to one of his colleagues or Dean Bentham's condescending or hypocritical remarks. I think he believes that if only some little part of Angela's personality could rub off on him he might become more authentic, more daring; And maybe find his way back to his fountain pen or keyboard and start writing again.  I feel this is the ultimate reason he gave in to Angela's seduction. He mistakenly started to see her as his equal.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice response, Adonis. I agree w/ your assessment of Swenson's attraction to Angela.
