Friday, March 29, 2019

Blue Angel pages 186-240

The recent chapters of "Blue Angel" are a comparison of Swenson's relationship with those close to him and that of what he has with Angela. The contrasts are made evident by Swenson's behavioral changes. For example when Swenson voices his real opinions of his students writing to Angela which he would never do honestly in front of his other students. Swenson might have been drawn in by Angela's straight forwardness, but now he partakes in Angela's blunt critique of her peers. The students of Swenson's class can sense that there is a  familiarity between Swenson and Angela because this is favoritism. The favoritism being that Angela's own work is free of criticism from those within her age range. Also because Swenson has been discussing his opinion with Angela regarding his class he talks less so with his wife about these matters. The second comparison the author makes is when Angela asks if Swenson could show her work to his editor. Right after this Swenson is asked by Magda if he could do the same for her poetry. We can determine that internally despite how established he thinks Magda is he is more threatened by Angela's power over his life. It is out of this fear that Swenson goes to his editor on thanksgiving weekend. Swenson's editor Len makes good points regarding Angela and her writing. Swenson clearly crossed a line and his judgement regarding Angel's writing should be questioned. It can be argued that Magda was more deserving of a chance to be pitched to Len than Angela. Magda is Swenson's co-worker and has known him for years. The chance of Magda's writing catching Len's interest might have been high since Len has little faith in student writing. The third comparison made in the story occurs during Swenson's second trip to the computer city. This time around Swenson is required to accompany Ruby to the computer story. Swenson silently judges Ruby much more harshly than he does with Angela. When they are half way to the story Swenson thinks how long the trip is taking opposed to him thinking how short the trip is at the same point with Angela. When Swenson wakes up in the morning of his trip with Angela he gets up early to pick out what to wear. In the case with Ruby, Swenson has to be woken up and doesn't give much thought to what to wear. Swenson also takes his time with his shower. Even at the store Swenson thinks Ruby looks dumb for not knowing exactly what she wants to buy. So in conclusion I think the recent chapters with Swenson and his family are a good mirror to the prior chapters with Swenson and Angela.

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