Saturday, March 30, 2019

Blue angel

I was surprised to find out Angela is blackmailing professor Swenson because she couldn’t get her Way . I couldn’t believe Angela only slept with Swenson to get her book looked at by his publisher. Angela was very Manipulative however Swenson should have never crossed that line.

Group Critique

So far the groups critiques have been helpful in getting second opinions on the works we as students have been doing. I do however feel that it might be more helpful if some of the class time is spent talking about other genres of writing. I am not much of an experienced writer so it can be challenging to write in genres I have never wrote before. For the last group critique I wrote two poems and I was able to follow both the structure for Haiku and Terza Rema with the help of google. I think that I should continue looking up structures and guidelines for writing based on genre. Overall group critique has been helpful I've been struggle personally with expanding on my subject into different genres.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Thoughts for Blue Angel page 181~241

Reading this part of the book makes me think a lot about how our mind has been manipulated by other people around us. From the beginning until now, Swenson expresses his inner conflicts all the time. Sometimes, he is being irrational, for example, even after Angela asked him to show her novel to his editor, he still believes Angela loves him. He does not want to accept the fact that she is blackmailing him after she slept with him. It is crystal clear that she is using him for her own good. What I like to point out is that we have been this kind of situation all the time. Sometimes, we know that somebody is taking advantage of your reputation or your power or your empathy, we choose to ignore and sacrifice for them. I had a similar experience when I was in High School that one of my friends (I thought she was my best friend) asked me to copy my notes into her book. Knowing that it was wrong but I did it for her because I was blinded by fake friendship. She treated me like I was nothing and she badmouthed about me behind my back. When I found out those gossips, she apologized and she talked me into that I was her only best friend. It took me years to realize that she was just using me to achieve her goals. Once, a week before finals, she borrowed my Math workbook and did not return until the last day. As a result, I almost failed Math finals but I managed to pass it. After that incident, I was wide awake and learned a lesson for life. Likewise, we make bad choices all the time for the sake of someone else's favor. It becomes like a circle, never ending unless someone forces to get out of that situation. And one of them is always sinner and the other is saint. Similarly, in this book, the relationship between Swenson and Angela, I want to know who will be sinner and who will be saint in the end.  

Group Critique

Today in the group critique my group suggested that add more details to my memoir, so that readers understand the point I’m trying to get across. We spoke about the different ways in which we could each make our collections better. For instance, one of my colleagues is writing about overpopulation in the world, so we advised him to look for statistics and add it to his argument being that it would help legitimize his paper. I feel that these group critiques have helped all of us both educationally and socially. We’ve been able to interact with each other better than when we started, as well as critique each others work more efficiently.

Response pg 185-190

In this reading, five days after what happened between them, they saw each other again in class, but it was completely different and at the same time I notice that it was so weird for both. Swanson was acting really nervous  even though he is trying to act as usual but it is impossible after all what happened, and Angela was acting so disrespectful. I think she is acting like she had the control.

I noticed that Angela could be with Swanson only for her own convenience because she asked Swanson if he could mention her novel to his editor. It is weird that she asked that favor after they had sex, isn't it? However, I think Swanson is falling in love with Angela.

I think it is really funny that he went to the same place with his daughter and Angela to buy a computer. I must totally weird because Ruby and Angela are the same age and I can image him thinking about Angela while he is buying the same computer for his daughter. 

Group critque

Today we had revised our drafts in our groups. Like always, I found the group critique very useful. Reading the drafts of my peers also gave me ideas for my own writing. One of my group members also wrote a poem and the way his poem was structured helped me see that I wanted to do the opposite. Not because his poem was bad but because he wanted it brief and to the point while I wanted to make mine mysterious and long. I got some ideas from Professor Talbird on how to improve my writing. He highlighted a line in my poem that stood out and asked me to elaborate on it. I think that this will improve my writing.

Group Critique

Today we met with our groups to show them the new ideas that we will be adding to our collection. This is very efficient because getting towards the end of the semester and our paper we occasionally run out of ideas and things to write about. We also get to encourage each other and give each other fresh new ideas that we could probably work on.
PS; I am not working with Professor Trujillo, unfortunately I haven't had the time to meet with her because of my tight schedule and lack of time. Im currently preparing for a trip and still trying to go to school and work and make sure I don't fall behind in anything since I will be missing two days. Also the unknown post in "Blue Angel Week 4" is me.

Group Critques

During the Group Critique, we spoke about our topics. We gave each other pointers on each other's topics and writings. I really enjoy the group that I have. We are always engaged in a conversation about something.

Group Critique

Today my group talked about the genre we chose for our collection. We also did a character analysis of Angela and Swenson. My group member showed me the mistakes I have to fix in my realistic fiction essay.

Group critique

In my group today we spoke about our writing and I learned that I was being too biased in my argumentative essay. I have to provide more information on the subject that’s I’m arguing on so that the reader can understand what I’m talking about .

Blue Angel pages 186-240

The recent chapters of "Blue Angel" are a comparison of Swenson's relationship with those close to him and that of what he has with Angela. The contrasts are made evident by Swenson's behavioral changes. For example when Swenson voices his real opinions of his students writing to Angela which he would never do honestly in front of his other students. Swenson might have been drawn in by Angela's straight forwardness, but now he partakes in Angela's blunt critique of her peers. The students of Swenson's class can sense that there is a  familiarity between Swenson and Angela because this is favoritism. The favoritism being that Angela's own work is free of criticism from those within her age range. Also because Swenson has been discussing his opinion with Angela regarding his class he talks less so with his wife about these matters. The second comparison the author makes is when Angela asks if Swenson could show her work to his editor. Right after this Swenson is asked by Magda if he could do the same for her poetry. We can determine that internally despite how established he thinks Magda is he is more threatened by Angela's power over his life. It is out of this fear that Swenson goes to his editor on thanksgiving weekend. Swenson's editor Len makes good points regarding Angela and her writing. Swenson clearly crossed a line and his judgement regarding Angel's writing should be questioned. It can be argued that Magda was more deserving of a chance to be pitched to Len than Angela. Magda is Swenson's co-worker and has known him for years. The chance of Magda's writing catching Len's interest might have been high since Len has little faith in student writing. The third comparison made in the story occurs during Swenson's second trip to the computer city. This time around Swenson is required to accompany Ruby to the computer story. Swenson silently judges Ruby much more harshly than he does with Angela. When they are half way to the story Swenson thinks how long the trip is taking opposed to him thinking how short the trip is at the same point with Angela. When Swenson wakes up in the morning of his trip with Angela he gets up early to pick out what to wear. In the case with Ruby, Swenson has to be woken up and doesn't give much thought to what to wear. Swenson also takes his time with his shower. Even at the store Swenson thinks Ruby looks dumb for not knowing exactly what she wants to buy. So in conclusion I think the recent chapters with Swenson and his family are a good mirror to the prior chapters with Swenson and Angela.

Group Critique

In this group critique, I learned a lot about my poem writings. I learned that I'm being a little too vague with my poems. I've had multiple people say that they wouldn't know the meaning of my poem if they didn't read the title or my author's note. I'll be sure to be less vague and put more references in the future.

Group Critique

Today in my group we spoke about what we should fix all comments where positive and we keep it educational I think we have helped each other out , one mate is working on medicine another one is working on crime and I am working on the topic of parents a every day life topic. I noticed that at first we where shy to talk to each other and speak about what was missing we would just read and hand it back with a critique leaving them clueless but now we sit and talk and also chit chat of the blog if we did the reading the homework or what we missing. We have made a little bond in English class it pretty nice having friends that look out for us

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Blue Angel Ruby is home

A big part of this novel is that Angela may be attracted to the professor because of his reputation or maybe she slept with him for her own inconvenience. Same way the professor might have slept with her because he feels old and sees nothing wrong with a young girl liking him. Most common now days where people would like to sleep with actors , musicians , painters , athletics just because they are good looking have a high reputation . The scene that ruby Swenson daughter is back home for thanksgiving made me so ashamed it made me think about life because these type of situations do happen. Swenson goes to Nyc to give Angela novel to his editor Len instead of bounding and having a father and daughter time. But a person has to do what most important and try to avoid anytpe of autotcation to put his career or life in jeopardy. This part made me feel really uncomfortable because a parent should be a child role model but rather Swenson sleeps with Angela a teenager same age as Ruby. Then they go to a computer place where he also took Angela , making it even weird

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Blue Angel 185-190

In this part, the professor want help Angela about the publication of her novel, that is the reason, Prof. Swenson want to meet with Len, for Len publish the novel.

Blue Angel page 187

On page 187 we start seeing how Angela's attitude towards Swenson starts to change, and unfortunate for Swenson, for the worst.  She becomes quite demanding, and disrespectful, and wants Swenson to show her novel to his editor in New York.  Something she would never have had the nerve to do prior to sleeping with him.  We also start to see a shift in power, with the wind totally in Angela's favor.  It seems now that Angela is positioning herself to take control of the situation, and Swenson himself.  Swenson is starting to get an idea of the ugly, terrible mistake he has made, and the world of s#*% that awaits him.

The funny thing about Swenson's predicament, to me, is that I don't think Swenson was ever really attracted to Angela Argo.  In the beginning of the story I got a sense that Swenson hardly noticed her because she was always quiet and withdrawn.  I believe the only reason Swenson starts to show interest at all is because of her writing. Also, her shared love of Chekhov, Tolstoy, Virginia Woolf and Stendhal, that really grabbed his attention.  He develops a somewhat kindred spirit towards Angela.  He can't believe that this tattooed, pierced face girl can write so well and meaningful. That like him, has a love for classical authors.  At times he tries to view things from Angela's young and rebellious point of view. He wonders what she would do or say in certain situations he's encountered, such as the time he and Sherrie felt obligated to attend Dean Bentham's dinner invitation. He wondered what Angela's response might have been to one of his colleagues or Dean Bentham's condescending or hypocritical remarks. I think he believes that if only some little part of Angela's personality could rub off on him he might become more authentic, more daring; And maybe find his way back to his fountain pen or keyboard and start writing again.  I feel this is the ultimate reason he gave in to Angela's seduction. He mistakenly started to see her as his equal.

New Zealand Memorial

I wanted you to know about the memorial for the victims of the mosque shootings in New Zealand. It will happen tomorrow in the Holocaust Center from 12:30-2:30. Details below:

Blue Angel pg.185

In the Blue Angel Novel page 185-190 its talking about Ángela novel with the professor Swenson relationship ( teacher - student sex )  professor Swenson didn’t call her and Ángela now rebels back and asks him why he didn’t call after there intimacy. It end up Angela  asking Swenson if he can mention her novel to his editor in New York . He reflects back and thinks if she is using him for connections , blackmailing him or if she ever had feelings for him or Not , Is  she using him for his status.  Professor Swenson feels Alone and cannot talk to no one about what has happen between him sleeping with a student he can end up caught he is ending up scared. . I think this is an important scene in the book because Swenson Feels guilty and now Ángela is not a model student for him . Being a respectful man now he is being a pathetic adult with his decision . Maybe Ángela is only asking him for a favor as a student or Ángela think Swenson is just sleeping with her . I also think that there many points of view between Swenson and Angela

Page 185-190

Page 185-190
In the following scenes I believe that swenson is acting very anxious about the whole situation between Angela and him after not seeing her in a while after the sex. He also is overthinking things about them two and constantly asking himself questions.

Blue Angel p.185

At the beginning Swenson seems to be nervous, not knowing how he would react when he finally sees Angela for the first time after having intercourse. To his surprise instead of being weird, he gets approached by a furious Angela who’s actually reproaching him about not calling her back to give feedback about a couple pages she had submitted to him from her novel. This scene is crucial because it shows a certain change in Angelas character, before their intimacy she was a model student who respected her profesor, whereas now shes rebeled and sort of seems to be in control. This causes Swenson to doubt whether or not she felt,feels, or will feel something special for him. He questions if she only do this because of his professional connections in order to blackmail him or maybe she does feel something as is simply just asking for a favor. Hence, bringing him back to reality and making him realize that she has the power to potentially ruin his life.

Pages 185-190

Throughout these pages it seemed as if Swenson was confused of where his “relationship” with Angela stands. He constantly recollects on the time him and Angela has sex. But Angela on the other hand seems to be upset that he did not call her. Then they continue to discuss her work.

Response pg 185-190

In these few pages it is the first time professor Swenson and Angela meet again after they had sex. During their interaction we can definitely see that things are weird between them, awkward. Usually they have a full on conversation and now professor Swenson doesn’t know what to do because Angela hasn’t acknowledged what happened between them. She is acting stand-off-ish and not really giving him the attention and respect she has done before. For example, Swenson says “ What happened to the worshipful student who hung on his every word, the young women whose favorite author, who’s hero he was, whose life he saved and transformed?”. This shows us, the readers, that even Professor Swenson notices a great change in behavior but doesn’t seem to know why. Especially after Angela tells him that she was in a weird mood before the class.

Page 185

This scene is important because it is the first encounter of Swenson and Angela after they had sex. You can tell how Swenson lets Angela say and do whatever while she is in class, and the other students notice this act. To make it fair and less suspicious they ask Angela to bring in her work so they can hear it. After this class Angela goes to Swenson's office and is furious because he has not called her. In my opinion you can start to tell that Angela did not like Swenson really she just did it out of her own accommodations. I think since she can black mail him with what they have done. Also you can see how Angela is pretty weird when she says forget about mentioning her novel to the editor I feel like thats a way to persuade a person even more by making them feel guilt.  However this scene is important because you see Angela changing towards Swenson.

blue angel

 When I read pages 185-195 I noticed mixed feelings with Swenson and his situation with Angela. He didn't call her the entire week they were apart but he was thinking of her the entire time. Angela being mad at him for not calling shows her interest is still in Swenson. Swenson finally expresses his interest for her directly to her but Angela seems to think he doesn't care for her. He's constantly questioning Angela's intentions with him but at the same time he's justifying what she does. He doesn't know if she's using him for his professional connections or if she is actually interested in him.


This is the point in the book where Swenson realizes he actually likes Angela because he is being paranoid thinking that Angela is only using him for his personal connections and he wants to ask her about their “relationship”. I feel like Angela is only using Swenson for his personal connections because her story is a reflection of her life and in the story the main character has sex with her teacher  but she describes it a a traumatic experience. I think she was trying to tell her readers how she felt without telling them that the story was based on her experience. This means that Angela didn’t enjoy having sex with Swenson but is instead using him for his personal connections

Blue Angel pages 185-190

In these pages, we read that Swenson is in a panic state of mind. He is worried that Angela won't look at him the same way after the time they had sex. Also, he is worried that someone will find out what and he is guilty to the point of tell someone what he did with Angela.

Pages 185- 190

At the end of the reading, Swenson wants to confess to Magda, sort of get it off his chest. But he also stops himself from confessing by comparing himself to a criminal. This is significant because he is showing a small sign of regret. His actions begin to weigh on him heavier, effecting his class and his relationship with Angela. He also begins to question Angela’s reasoning. Whether she actually wanted to have sex with him or if she was using him. He’s leaning towards the fact that she’s trying to blackmail him, and that’s why she brought up his editor in New York. She wants to use his connections for herself and she is in the perfect position to do so because Swenson slept with her.

Blue angel 188-190

prof Swenson to me is started to second guess the relationship that him and Angela has he is starting to feel like she might just be using him because of his educational status and when reading on  I do feel   Angela is hiding a secret,for example it wouldn’t surprise me that in the end we find out that she was just using him to better herself.

Blue angel pages 182-190

At this point in the novel Angela seems as though she doesn’t care about the relations she has with Professor Swenson. She is so focused on her work that she won’t even hold a conversation about what happened between them. Swenson is starting to realize this, which causes him to assume that Angela only slept with him for his connections. I think it’s a good thing that she’s focused on trying to be the best writer she can be but I’m still confused as to why she even started these relations with Swenson because to me it seems as though she isn’t as fond of him as she was in the beginning of the novel. I am looking forward to the ending of this novel, I think it’ll end badly for Swenson.

Blue Angel

The professor has clearly fallen for Angela but notices after they have sex Angela behavior towards him changes . Angela doesn’t act sweet anymore she talks to the professor very rude . The Professor is also starting to wonder if Angela ever had a crush on him or is just using him for his connections. I feel if Swenson tells Angela that he will not ask his editor to look at her work things will end bad. Angela seems to only care about having conversation about her work and not about what happen after they had sex.

Page 185-190

This explains how Angela is furious with Professor Swenson. She’s upset with him because he didn’t try to contact her after they had intercourses. She was also worried that Professor Swenson didn’t read her pages that she submitted because of that reason. Professor Swenson is feeling guilt as well. His conscience is taking over him, he’s become paranoid into thinking Angela is trying to blackmail him. He needs to tell someone about everything he is going through at the point. He wants to tell Madga, however he’s afraid she might judge him.

Page 188-190

This scene is important because things have gotten even more conplicated between Angela and Ted because they slept together. Angela is acting like their in a relationship and Swenson is starting to realize he messed up and nobody can know about this because he knows he can get into a lot of trouble.

Monday, March 25, 2019

group critique

Last Friday we had group critique day, and as always our group had a lot to say about each other's papers. It's always very positive and constructive criticism. I feel the feedback I have received from my group has helped me improve my collection. It's always beneficial to listen to someone else's point of view on any given subject. 

Blue Angel, Week 4

There is an interesting moment on pp. 227-233 where Swenson takes Ruby to buy a computer at the same store where he took Angela on the day that he had sex w/ her. Look over this scene again and remind yourself of how you felt. I felt very tense reading it, but maybe you felt differently?

Other questions:

  • Ruby tells her dad about an incident where a group of fraternity guys pee all over one of the guys' ex-girlfriends. We're in Swenson's head and so we know that, instead of feeling sorry for the victim, he feels sorry for himself and his daughter. Why?
  • Ruby hasn't been introduced until pretty late in the novel. Why do you think that is? How does her presence affect your reading of the novel?
  • How did you react when Swenson decided to go to NYC the day after Ruby came home? 
  • In what ways does Swenson compare Ruby to Angela? How did you react as a reader in these moments? 
  • What other questions do you have? 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Blue angel lola- lola

Lola Lola kind off reminds me of a modern day stripper who just gives you temporary pleasure. The prof marrying a dancer was just all BaD because he she was all around unfaithful and wasn't always interested in him. That's the risk of marrying a stripper because its their job to satisfy everyone.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Revision Friday

Recorded all for your convenience
“The Department of Citizen Records” a monument to all citizens who existed, will exist, and currently exist. Human history has been around for thousands of years, recorded history even less so. Every human here in this metropolis is a historian. The people of this city have their own personal stories recorded, transcribed, and stored to be accessed at their leisure. Originally the personals stories of everyday citizens were glossed over or over sensationalized through media outlets. Gone are the days that lack nuance in record keeping. No longer can a person be smeared by the perception of those who know nothing of their personal lives. Smear pieces, hate campaigns, and all forms of personal attacks have drastically diminished to non-existence. If anyone wanted an accurate record of someone all they had to do was go through their file kept safely at “The Department of Citizen Records”.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Hotspotting: free wirting

I still remember that hot night, walking through unknown streets with the people speaking language we did not understand, it was the whole new experience for us and a good lesson, not to forget one of the most important things while you travel, "money". Then again, "Money is not everything" my friend argued. It can't buy love or friendship or happiness. We can still be loved, make friends or be happy without money. I would agree with her if I were a teenager whose full of fantasy and imaginations but life has taught me so well. Not everything can be achieved using "money" but I dare to say most of it can be done. Look everywhere around the world, the gap between riches and poors is growing wider and wider. What can we do? It's our nature to measure life by quantity, not quality. At the end of the day, we'll be a victim of money before we know it.

Blue Angel 124-174

Currently with the recent chapters, Professor Swenson and Angela end up having intercourse briefly. The incident occurs in Angela's dorm room after the two take a trip to acquire a new computer for Angela. Swenson becomes bolder and bolder through the course of the trip until the moment when he just doesn't care much more about who sees him. At the beginning of the day Swenson is hesitant and nervous. We can deduce this by him taking time meticulously picking the cloths he'll be wearing. It is during the trip to the store that Swenson encounters his coworkers Lauren Healy. On his exiting of Angela's room he is met with Claris. Also at the computer store Swenson is seen by a young employee. In total Swenson was seen by three people during his little outing with Angela. The reason this trip occurred was because Angela gave Swenson a chapter that involved the the in story teacher making a move on the main character. Swenson felt like Angela was writing directly to him and later when Swenson asks if the door is locked in Angela's room he figures that Angela planned the whole thing. It is also in these few chapters that we find out that Angela lied about her father dying or at least Swenson believes she is lying based off the parent teacher conference he had. Overall the story really escalated in these few chapters.

Group Critique

today was a good group critique. I learned a lot of things that i have to improve on. I only found these flaws after my classmates went over my draft. So thanks to them.

Group critique/ collection

Group critiques have been really helpful so far this semester. I’m really relieved that I’ve finished a good portion of my collection. It’s really a good way to get work done on time when we have time in class to get feedback while creating my work. I’ve finished two genres out of the three in my collection. I saved memoir for last because it’s soemthing I want to take my time on and be very descriptive with. I can’t wait to see everything tie together!

Group Critiques

I found today’s group critique to be very helpful. My group members gave me ideas on how to perfect and tweak my story. They also helped me with creating and fixing the setting in a way. They said I should go into detail about certain events in the story.  It was very effective. I’ll take those comments and concerns into consideration when editing my story.

Blue Angel

In the blue Angel movie it showed us how the professor was a well know person , married the student Angela  a lady who worked at the Lola lola bae where his students will go at night to see her perform . That’s when the professor & Angela start a relationship and in the movie it doesn’t end well she used him for performance and felt in love for someone else

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Swenson meets Angela's parents

When Swenson meets Angela's parents he feels uneasy. Swenson wants to praise Angela without giving away the fact that he is having something other than a student, teacher relationship with her.  Also, he is trying to figure out Angela's parents, he is not sure if the man is Angela's biological father. He is also trying to figure out if this man is the man Angela is writing such horrible things about in her novel. 

It seems that Swenson is becoming more and more confused as to what is really "up" with Angela. This even after having been intimate with her.  Which brings me to the point that I was really hoping he did not follow Professor Rath's path.  Yet, it happened, and it seems that our hero is weaving a tangled web from which he will not escape unscathed.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Thoughts for today's reading

This part of the book seems like the highest point of the whole story. I like the way Francine Prose plays my curiosity. I mean nothing is predictable, really. From page 132-136, this scene kind of reveals Angela's hideous past through her parents conversation with Swenson. I think it was actually Angela who got involved with her high school biology teacher. The fact that her father defended when her mother recalled the event to Swenson, it was obviously they were trying to hide something. Swenson was blinded by his inappropriate desire for Angela. I am also sure that the father is Angela's biological father, she lied to Swenson in the beginning to get his attention. At this point, she is definitely manipulative and seductive, she did that in purpose. Look where she told Sewnson to tell her parents good things about her at parent-teacher conference. I notice that Angela lied all the time, in this part, she lied about not having a single friend to drive her to places. On page 157, when Angela took off her jacket in Swenson's car, she showed him her fresh tattoo, at that second, Swenson almost caught her red hand that she had a ride to get tattoo but not computer. But he just let it go like he is an idiot, like he is a fool. Here, i can see the mere resemblance between Swenson and Professor Rath, both who would do anything for the woman they love.  After reading this part, I want to know what's next, it's so complicated and there are so many possibilities.

Professor Swenson's encounter with Angela's parents

Swenson meets Angelas mom and stepdad for the first time. He speaks about her in a very good way and they mention to him how much she enjoys and speaks about his class. Swenson thinks Angelas mom looks like her and through what we read we can say she is a little chatty. They talk about the novel and her parents tell Swenson something like this has happened in her previous school. He gets more information about Angela's perspective in the book. But also does not show too much interest to not look suspicious. I feel like Swenson feels guilty and that is why he is so blunt and precise about his words. Also Angela's parents reassure the professor about everything they say and that she is not a part of what happened. They call her a "big chicken" probably because that is what they want to believe. However the encounter is pretty broad and a little weird, the parents are very uninvolved and care more about how she is seen rather than the reality.

Pages 132-136

This scene is basically about Swenson and Angela’s parents meeting. During the meeting Swenson observes Angela’s parents very closely. Noticing that both Angel and her mother like wearing chunky  jewelry. He also notices Angela’s father and starts wondering if he’s on the guy in her poems. They all soon begin to talk about Angela and her writing.  Swenson goes on to compliment her writing while her father tries to take credit for starting up her writing in a way by mentioning he bought her a computer. Then things kinda get weird when Swenson starts asking so much questions about Angela.

Blue Angel, Conference

I believe that Angela’s father is very protective over her, however he’s very skeptical of Professor Swenson. He has a guard up during the whol parent teacher conference and Professor Swenson notices it. The mother on the other hand is very calm, cool and collected and supports her daughter emotionally. I also noticed because Prof. Swenson wanted to be nosy, he kind of made the parents spill important, personal information about Angela, which made him feel a little guilty.

Response to reading in class pg 132-136

In this scene I think professor Swenson is trying to get more information on Angela while speaking to her parents but without sounding nosey. Or even creepy that a professor would be asking so many personal questions about his students’ life. Like, the father situation, or her boyfriend. He also almost looks uncomfortable speaking to her parents because he doesn’t want to give off a weird vibe like as if something is going on between them and say the wrong thing. For example when the writer says” Swenson can only pray that his pleasure and pride aren’t visible on his face”. This gives off the idea that professor Swenson is trying to watch what he says and not overstep.

Blue Angel parents scene

In this scene, Swenson meets Angela's parents. What i gathered from the scene was that, Angela's parents have no idea about what's been happening between Angela and Swenson. Also they don't know how there own daughter truly acts. Her mother says Angela is, "she's a pussy cat".

Blue angel page 134

   Prof.swenson I feel was being really nosy and was really only focused on if Angela was lying about biological father. The parents I feel are hiding back information about what happened when Angela was In high school for example when they were explaining the story the mother and father kept having to interrupt each other to say the Angela was not involved,I just thought that was a little weird while I was reading this.

Page 132-136

I feel like Swenson is getting obsessed with Angela because he is wanting to know every detail of her life. I also feel like the novel she is writing about is based on her life and relationship with professor Swenson and he is getting worried

Blue Angel

I feel like the professor is starting to become a little paranoid. He is in too deep and trying  to make sure he covers himself . I think it’s kind of weird that Angela parents knows what happened at her last school and aren’t a bit more cautious.  I understand that her parents thinkthat Angela is a chicken but I believe Angela went the extra mile with the professor because her beat friend was in the same situation. Angela dad is giving me bad vibes.

Blue Angel Meeting the parents

Swenson, being a professor, seems to try to converse with the parents to try to get more information about Angela. He finds out about her novel and how it may be a true story on Angela’s personal experience. Swenson begins to worry once he feels that she tries to seduce her teachers. This shows that Swenson is having sexual desires about Angela even if he may not want to admit it. He also asks questions and wonders if Angela is lying to him, he says he doesn’t want to be nosy. However the only real reason he doesn’t want to seem nosy is because he wants to be nosy. He begins to try and learn more about her showing a sense of desire from Swenson.

Page 132-136

In the scene where Swenson meets Angela’s parents he seemed to be a little paranoid. Angela’s parents begin to ask questions about Angela’s work and Swanson what’s to hide the fact that Angela’s novel “eggs” might be about Angela and Swenson. He also might think Angela lied to him because of what her parents told him about what she did at another school.

Blue angel 132-136

On pages 132-136 the author is describing a parent teacher conference between Swenson and Angela’s parents. In this scene Swenson is in his head about apt of things. He’s finding out a lot about Angela. He tells her parents about her novel, how it’s about a student who has an inappropriate relationship with her music teacher. Her parents then continue to tell him that a similar situation happened in Angela’s school, and her friends were involved too. This was when Swenson realized that this has happened before. He also hesitated to ask if Angela’s step father was actually her father, mainly because they looked so much alike. I think after meeting her parents, Swenson has deeper feelings for Angela.
In this scene Swenson's interest in Angela only seems more clear. He wants to find out more things about her personal life. He even steers the conversation so they can talk about her personal life.  The entire time while speaking to Angela's parents, he keeps thinking about Angela and her poem. He continues to ask himself questions. It seems like he's driving himself crazy over her. Swenson even compliments Angela's writing.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Blue Angel, Week 3

Several of you have expressed the desire that Swenson won't sleep w/ Angela Argo. And yet he does. How did you react when you read that scene? Were you surprised? Why or why not?

Other questions:

  • Swenson thinks after the sex scene, "Chicken soup! The adulterer's wife cooks him chicken soup. You couldn't get away with writing a scene so obvious and corny..." (177). And yet Prose is writing that scene right there. Does she get away with it? Why or why not?
  • The sex scene is a kind of fulcrum, a point that pivots everything else. We've been heading toward this moment for over 100 pp and then it happens and changes everything. How do you see Swenson, Sherrie, and Angela now? What has changed? 
  • After Swenson reads the sex scene in Angela's novel, he feels determined to prove that he's not the music teacher in her book, that he's better. What do you think?
  • What does the broken tooth symbolize? 
  • Now that the sex has happened, what do you predict will happen next? (If you've read ahead, don't give it away for those who haven't.)
  • What questions do you have?

Sunday, March 17, 2019

After watching the film “Blue Angel” I see a lot of comparison to the book. I believe that the author of  Blue angel is comparing Angela to Lola Lola from the film. In the movie Lola Lola is a love interest of Professor Rath. This soon backfired him considering the fact that he is a professor who is having a relationship with a dancer, a young one at that. There is a lot of similarities between the book and the film. In the book Professor Swenson is all in his head about Angela. To me I believe it’s all in his head, the professor thinks too much into things he shouldn’t. He seems to think of his relationship with Angela is more than just a student- teacher relationship. In the movie Professor Rath lost everything after being with Lola Lola, I really am hoping that Professor Swenson doesn’t follow in the same steps.

Blue Angel, comparison

I think the author of Blue Angel, Francine Prose, wants to show a similarity between Lola Lola and Angela Argo. In the movie Lola Lola becomes Professor Rath's forbidden passion, his downfall.  I hope this is not the fate that awaits Professor Swenson.  I really hope that Professor Swenson is smarter than Professor Rath.  I don't blame Lola in the movie, because Lola was being Lola, this is what she does, she is a woman of the night sort to speak. She may not be a down right prostitute, but it is understood that woman that worked in cabaret's at that time usually would be with a lot of different men. And they were somewhat dangerous, especially for a man like Professor Rath, who seemed to have very little experience with woman, especially Lola's type.  However, Lola did not come on to him.  He unwillingly fell for her charm and sensuality.  Yet, a man of his educational background should have known better.  He should've been wise enough to know that the only thing a woman like Lola could do is ruin a man like him. And she did.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Blue Angel Scene

In my last blog, I mentioned that the professor was not the only man to fall into the woman's trap. Throughout the movie, we see a very depressed clown that would show up from time to time. The believe that the clown was a form of foreshadowing. Meaning that, the professor will become the next clown.

Blue Angel the German Movie

Blue Angel is a German movie made in the 1930s. The film commentates on the increased participation women had in the workforce after the world war. If we keep this idea in mind it should influences our interpretation of the film. Blue Angel isn't simply a love story gone wrong it is also a story of independence. The film can also be considers a Noire because of its gritty nature and the character of Lola resembles a femme fatale. A femme fatale is a character in the Noire genre of film that is usually a women who is dangerous with hidden intentions. Lola in the film is a dangerous women. However, it is the professor who actively involves himself with Lola. Lola never at any point seeks to garner the professor's attention. The professor willingly with up a lot of his own freedom simply to be with Lola. The sacrifice which is typically made by women is being made my a man in this cause. The professor loses his job and relies on Lola financially for five years something that would be considered shameful of a man in that time period. The significance of the film to our class is because it is mentioned in the book "Blue Angel". In book "Blue Angel" Swenson is inspired by the movie "Blue Angel" when writing his first novel. Swenson's first novel was written while he was under the influence of love. At the time of writing his first novel, Swenson was actively pursuing Sherrie. Perhaps the author, Francis Prose, is attempting to say something of Swenson's character by having the naming of her title and Swenson's own books be so influenced by the movie "Blue Angel". I believe that Swenson will eventually meet his end quiet similarly to the Professor in the movie. Swenson will find himself grasping at his old life ruined by his desires for a women that he isn't meant to be with. Overall I enjoyed the film, but not so much the first parts which felt slow. The ending of "Blue Angel" paid off the slow set up done in the earlier parts.

Blue angle pages 63- 126

The recent chapters of "Blue Angel" concerns itself with two major events. The first event is Swenson having lunch with Magda at the Maid of Orleans. The reader is given further insight into the character Magda and find out that her and Swenson have unspoken feelings for each other. The lunch between Magda and Swenson is very engaged. Swenson tries to extract as much information on Angela from Magda, Magda gauging the reasons for Swenson's interest in Angela. Magda is concerned that Swenson's interest in Angela might not be pure. The second major event that occurs between pg 63-126 is the dinner party that Dean Francis Bentham hosts. During this party Magda vocalizes some mistakes shes made recently concerning her work as a teacher. Swenson is hesitant at first, but ultimately makes a fool of himself to defend Magda. The reason for Swenson's outburst is because of Angela. Swenson feels his wife had settled into a compromise with herself, instead of voicing her opinions to her peers she tries instead not rock the boat with them. This further illustrates Swenson's obsession with Angela's qualities. This is also the first time we see Swenson internally compare Angela and his wife. Internally Swenson's wife doesn't hold the same amount of respect that Angela has gained recently. Furthermore when the couple return home Swenson uses Angela's dirty poems before sleeping with his wife. Despite not directly cheating these actions aren't necessarily blameless. The guilt is apparent the next time Swenson is in class. Swenson is overly conscious of Angela's presence. At one point Swenson decides not to help another student simply because he was jealous that Angela gave that student some attention. Overall I think the recent chapters are meant to demonstrate Swenson's fall from being a decent husband. Swenson might not realize it himself but at of his action in the recent chapters can be viewed as cheating.

Library Session Answers

Prof. Mohess from the library responded to all of your questions. Check it out here. She wasn't sure how to answer a few questions, so feel free to ask me if you still have any. You can even post them here on the blog (and yes, you'll get blog credit).

Friday, March 15, 2019

Blue Angel

Blue Angel is a comical yet insteresting movie that shows the life of Emil Jannings who stars as professor Immanuel Rath a well known college professor who ends up losing everything due to a romance with a cabaret perfomer. The story begins when the professor finds out his students have been going to a local cabaret at night. In his quest to find them at the club and shame them he ends up falling in love with the lead performer in the cabaret Marlene Dietrich who stars as Lola Lola, causing him to resign his job as a teacher and marrying her. However, at first everything seemed to be going well until his jealousy overwhelmed him, as he never imagined how hard it would be to be married to a woman whos job was to make men desire her. Towards the end we come to realize that Lola Lola was just using the man as she ends up leaving him for a younger man causing the professor to return to the classroom where he used to teach and dying there.

Blue ANGELA scena

I Think that the proposal about that part is show like begging to love him. Maybe she trying seduce him. Angela is a beautiful woman that all man is love of her. Professor's student just was trying to be a gentlemen with  her, he come back something 

Blue Angel scene

In this scene, The professor went to visit Lola, and he gave her a present.something that caught my attention  is the clown because I notice that he look really sad, but I also noticed he has  flowers on his arms. I think nobody else sees the clown, only the professor. 

I did not really get why the students were hiding, but I think they were hiding because they a crush on Lola.

I didn't understand what was happening. I would like to know why the professor was so nervous, but I realized they were together the last night, I don't know what they were doing, but that was the cause of why the professor was acting weird.

Blue Angel scene

This scene is particularly important in the film Blue Angel, because it lets viewers know just how smitten the professor is with Lola Lola. Also, we see the clown enter at one point, and although his appearance was very brief he stares at the professor. And I feel that he's telling the professor we are the same you and me, I am what you will be in the future if you don't run now.  We could also see that this is a very sad clown. Furthermore, the scene shows how from the beginning Lola is taking control of the relationship they are establishing.  The scene  also demonstrates how vulnerable and hapless the professor is around Lola.

Talking a lot

The college professes and the lady from the bare  were in the dressing room talking about. the women wanted attention an the professor was giving it to her. then they started talking about the clown that was in the dressing room. the teacher got held up because he was focus on talking to the young lady that just want some attention.
I believe that in the scene that we had just scene the girl seems to seduce the professor in a way to make him fall for him in which she eventually does. She actually seems to be manipulating him.

Blue Angel Scene

In class we were shown a clip from the movie "Blue Angel", the clip in question being a scene where the professor returns Lola's shorts. The night prior, the professor mistakenly takes Lola's shorts thinking it was his handkerchief. The scene starts off with a clown entering Lola's room holding flowers. The scene lingers on the clown's face revealing a saddened expression and then the door closes as he enter a different room. A moment after, the professor enters the room where Lola is and then closes the door like the clown. Lola banters with the professor stating that all men come back for her. The two sit down and Lola hands the professor some powder to hold. Although not explicitly shown the clown is in the other room likely removing his make-up after his performance. In contrast the professor is in Lola's room helping her apply make-up. In addition, the professor's students are hiding underneath the floor laughing at him. This scene is representative of the current clown exiting and the professor taking on his role. The students are like the audience to this little private performance between Lola and professor.

Blue Angel Movie

The movie, "Blue Angel", was a very interesting movie. At first, the movie made me think that it was a love story between a college professor and a show performer. Towards the end though, there was a big twist. The Woman that the professor married tricked him, and forced him to become a clown. What also was surprising was that this wasn't the first time she has done this to another man.

Blue Angel

The scene shows the second night that Professor came back to return Lola's underwear. I think he did not come back just for that, he might like Lola after seeing her performance on the first night. I also notice Lola's sarcastic comments on his behavior. Overall, this scene tells a lot about differences between Lola and Professor Rath, not only age gap but also their backgrounds.

blue angel movie

In this scene the clown is seen passing the professor and being ordered by the magician to get back to the act. It shows the professor finally letting Lola get close to him. They're talking while she's putting on her make up. As a joke she blows  the white powder all over his face. The professor is then seen covered in make up. This scene seems to be foreshadowing the ending of the movie. By getting close to Lola, he himself became the clown later in the film. Having to use the same white powder for his own act.

The Blue Angel

There's so much in this scene. Where to begin?

There's the clown who always floats around the scene, looking like an angel of death, a depressed prediction of what Prof. Rath will one day become. There is the moment on the floor where we have Dietrich disembodied, becoming just her legs, like meat for the consumption of men. There is the fact that his students are spying on him so though he's falling in love, he's viewed as pathetic and contemptible by the rest of the world (prefiguring when he becomes a literal clown at the end of the film).

Scene 1

The clown that usually performs during shows comes inside the room the Professor and Lola Lola is in. He looks at the Professor with despair, almost like a cry for help. The professor notices this and begins to think about why he was staring at him so much. The overthinking caused his attention to divert from her and she became frustrated. Lola Lola wanted his undivided attention.

Film Scene In Class

In this scene that we have watched in class the professor goes back to give Lola Lola her shorts back that he took by mistake. Since his first interaction with her he was slightly rude he apologizes for his action. I think the purpose of this scene is to show that the professor has interest because of leaving right of way he actually sits and assist Lola Lola in getting ready. This is probably the rising action where we start to see the professor change.

Blue angel movie

I think that Lola was just trying to  seduce  The professor for example the way she was putting on her clothes was very flirtatious.

Blue Angel Scene

When the professor looks at the clown the clown is holding a dog and some flowers, I think this is symbolic to the professor catching his students in the basement, which are the dogs and how when he defends Lola Lola she begins to “fall in love”. The clown is representing the professor because that is a foreshadow to what he becomes later when he marries Lola Lola
The purpose of the scene is Lola Lola was trying to lure the professor in to get him to fall for her . She made the professor feel special by giving him a lot of attention and that same day they let the professor sit in the reserved seating to hear Lola Lola song.

Blue Angel

I found the movie, Blue Angel to be a unique movie. Although there were many similarities between the movie and the book. Both consisted of a professor teaching at a local college. However, the professor in the movie wasn't married until the end. The professor in the movie cared more about his students.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Collective Deadline Approaching

The faculty advisors of Collective have entreated me to solicit more student writing. Even if you don't think you work is related to the theme "Growth," please submit. They're looking for more fiction, poetry and essays.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Blue Angel movie review

The movie and the book are similar in certain ways; such both main characters Immanuel Rath and Swenson are professors at local college. They both are weird in some ways (for example Swenson's paranoid inner thoughts and Immanuel's use of same towel to blow his nose and to wipe his sweat). They both do not seem to like being a professor and they are almost like a jerk to their students, only difference is that Swenson does not show his dislike to them where Immanuel always writes down naughty list in his notebook. I would like to say there is more connection between Angela and Lola Lola because they are both young and rebellious. There are some tiny differences between the book and the movie. One; when Swenson attracted to Angela not because of her look but because of her talent in writing, where Immuanuel was crazy about Lola Lola because of her look, sexy body and he even fell for her sweet talk which obviously was part of her job. Two; Swenson was married with an estranged daughter and neglected wife but Professor Rath was single. Three; Swenson had at least more than one incident to have an affair with his best colleague Magda where Immanuel had no woman in his life except the maid who took care of his daily necessities. Four: Swenson's interest in Angela is lust not love where Immanuel's love for Lola Lola was true love even though it did not last long. All in all, I enjoy both the movie and the book, they are both worth to be called classic.


Professor Mohess has asked you all to take a brief survey. You can find it here.
One thing that I noticed was the way that the professor in the movie is treated with respect.  This intensifies the magnitude of the professors desicion when he chooses to marry Lola because he loses the respect of his colleagues and his neighborhood. When the professor goes to the show to catch his students he is still given respect because of the title he holds, a professor at the local college. However, after he marries Lola he is made fun of and disrespected. The amount of pressure he receives for his marriage is soo much that he lost his job. If he was a professor in modern day New York he’d still have his job.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

blue angel movie

The film Blue Angel and the novel Blue Angel have some similarities. Both main characters are English professors at the college level. In the beginning of the film the professor seems to be annoying to me. I understand he wants the best for is students but he gets too involved in his students personal life. He repeatedly tried catching them doing wrong things like being at a nightclub.  he kept visiting the club until he was able to catch them there. But while he was there one of the dancers named Lola caught his attention. She seduces him and he falls in love with her. It's ironic because he was there to catch his students doing wrong but instead he got caught up doing something deemed as wrong which is being with a woman that people saw Lola as. The feelings that they have for each other seem mutual. To the point where he ask to marry her. His gut kept telling him to visit the night club and it paid off as they got married to each other.

Monday, March 11, 2019

The Blue Angel and Blue Angel

This week, we'll screen The Blue Angel, the classic German film by Josef von Sternberg. I believe that you'll see some thematic and narrative similarities between this film and Francine Prose's novel. As you're aware by now, Prose's novel and Ted Swenson's first novel are both named after von Sternberg's film. The professor is played by a giant of German silent and sound cinema, Emil Jannings. But the truly huge star in the film was Marlene Dietrich who plays Lola Lola, the cabaret performer. Dietrich was an unknown at the time (she has second billing to Sternberg), but this is the film that made her a star. She was an international film actress, singer, and sex symbol.

The Blue Angel takes place in Weimer Republic Germany between WWI and II. Berlin, where the film is set, was a haven of liberalism and sexual freedom in the 1920s-30s, esp. in the cabaret culture dramatized in the film.

Some questions that I have:

  • Lola Lola is one of the classic femme fatales of cinema. In what ways does Angela Argo seem similar to her?
  • In the film, the professor gets into a scuffle w/ a ship captain over Lola Lola. What is the purpose of this scene? Why does Lola seem to be attracted to the professor, esp. since she's so much younger? At what point does she fall out of love w/ him? How would you connect their relationship to Swenson and Angela's? 
  • What do you make of the relationships that Swenson has w/ other women in his life: his wife, his daughter, Magda? In that lunch scene w/ Magda (pp. 76-84) why do neither seem to be hungry? In what ways are those relationships different than the one he is developing w/ Angela?
  • What did you think about the fact that Ted reads Angela's "dirty" poems and then immediately goes and has sex w/ his wife? 
  • What questions do you have about the film or the novel? 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Good novel

I would like to share a novel that I read over summer. It's called "The Other Einstein" by Marie Benedict. It's a novel about Albert Einstein's first wife Mileva "Mitza" Maric. It is a fiction which is told from Mileva's point of view. The best part I like about this novel is clear and simple writing style, and really, it helps me a lot when I write my assignment. In the book, there are a mixture of facts and fiction, and the author did a great job to convince the readers look like it actually did happen. At the back of the book, the author talked about how she started writing this novel and how she did research on history and background of Mileva's life before and after she became Mrs. Einstein. All in all, I have pretty much enjoyed reading it. I own this book, so if someone's interested in reading it, feel free to leave comments. I am happy to borrow it.

Blue Angel

 Blue Angle is very interesting so far and kind of funny . Professor Swenson teaches at Euston university his wife Sherrie is a nurse . He also has a daughter name Ruby who he isn’t on good terms with. Swenson seems to be having some troubles in his life right now . I think Angela and Swenson might catch feeling for each other . I believe Angela might have already caught feelings because she replayed Swenson message several time .

Blue Angel pg 1-63

Blue angle pages 1-63 establishes the character of prof. Swenson a teacher at Euston university. The story so far revolves on Swenson's handling of his professorship, his writing and personal life. Aside from his wife, Sherrie, we know that Swenson has only one co-worker that he enjoys the rest not so much. We are also introduced to one of Swenson's writing classes that are established to be very close socially except for one girl named Angela Argo. Angela is just one of the characters that Swenson silently judges internally. From his internal monologue we can tell that Swenson has a troubled personal life, difficulty teaching and hard time writing. We know that Swenson recently had a falling out with his daughter Ruby over her dating a student from Euston. Knowing Swenson's character so far he most likely handled the situation poorly and resulted in straining both relationships he has with his wife and daughter. We also know that teaching for Swenson is difficult particular because he can't directly voice negative opinions about the student's works. So far we know that Swenson has a pretty unhappy life but with the introduction of Angela and her proper writing it is likely we see a character change in Swenson. Despite being a student Angela is critical of her classmates works and her criticism are limited to just those her age. Angela's forthright attitude will most likely charm Swenson who has to put with with the facade of being a supportive teacher and husband at all times. Both Angela's character and writing serves as a foil to Swenson. While Swenson's writing has stalled, Angela's writing career is only beginning.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Blue angel

Reading blue angel, Ted Swanson and Angela Argo have a unique relationship. It seems that the professor notices something special about Argo and he is encouraging her to talk more. It reminds me back in highschool where one of my classmates named tenneson was a very shy and nervous kid. He would never raise his hand and my ela teacher, Ms.reyes, would be the only teacher to get him to speak. Whenever he would talk to her, he sounded confident and articulate. He would always say stuff that nobody ever thought of. They were like mother and son and that is what Swanson and argo's relationship reminds me of.