Saturday, February 2, 2019

Response to Poems

While I am reading these three poems, "Yonder, a rental", "Love Poem: Chimera" and "An Old Story", I am completely lost. I mean those are really brilliant poems but it is hard for me finding what do they mean. I want to start with "Love Poem: Chimera", I believe the poem is about how the poet sees herself a hybrid creature. As she has both characteristics of serpent and lion, she is as strong and independent as a lion, but as flexible and venomous as a serpent. Here, my interpretation of two distinct animals is that lion may be her father and the serpent could be her mother. She was born because of their unusual fusion of love. She also sounds like she is proud of being "Chimera" in these lines "What strong neck, what bright eye. What menagerie are we. What we've made of ourselves."
As for "Yonder, a rental" by Anna Maria Hong, I do not understand the poem at all. Though I thought it is about war in Sultan, after my second attempt, I am not sure about it. For the third poem "An Old Story" by Tracy K. Smith, I guess she is talking about how human careless reactions bring up harmful consequences to earth and its wild life. "We were made to understand it would be Terrible." line wants to point out that we are knowingly tearing apart biodiversity on earth for our own good. Here these lines "Livid, the land, and ravaged, like a rageful Dream. The worst in us having taken over And broken the rest utterly down." indicates bad temptation has taken over good one. This is as far as I can decipher these poem. 

1 comment:

  1. Khine, these are good readings. Don't feel like you have to "completely" understand a poem. Try to chip away at it and do your best.
