Monday, February 18, 2019

Poetry, pp. 47-92

In Sharon Olds' "Silver Spoon Ode," she writes a clever poem about her own wealthy upbringing and her consequent feelings of guilt. She invents a character near the end, Miss Lucille, who tells her, "And now / enough, Shar [Sharon], now a little decent silence" (75).  This new character, for me as a reader, created a bit of ambiguity. However, after reading the autobiographical statement in the back, I felt like I got a better hang on the poem.

This week, I'd like you to read one or two of the poems that I assigned you along with the autobiographical statement in the back. How does this writing about the poem help you understand the poem better? How is it similar to the author's notes I'm asking you to write each week?

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