Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thoughts for Blindness first pages

After reading these pages, I imagine myself being in this kind of situation, as victim of blindness. It shocked me that government put those people in mental asylum without investigating main cause of disease. If I were one of them, I might ask someone reliable to take me away from that city and find refuge somewhere safe. If government authority is not treating us right, why should we accept their ridiculous order in first place. It is their responsibility to find out probable cause of blindness and possible cure. Judging by their action in the book, they are going to let those poor people die like infected animals in that asylum. It makes me compare this scenario with getting rid of H1N1 flu infected pigs by burning and burying them. In contrast, in the book, eliminating sicked people this way will be so cruel to handle, so in place of killing them instantly, government takes them away from their families, leaves them in remote area and watches them wither and die. It makes me wonder why some people's morality fades away when hazardous disease outbreaks, like a thief, like a mother of squint eye kid. But there is also a bright side in this story, people like doctor's wife and the girl in dark glasses who don't lose their kindness and love in this despair. Hopefully, when this world ends,(we don't know when and how yet) we need more people like them. 


  1. Good response, Khine. Why do you think some people behave good and some don't when disaster hits?

  2. I think everybody does not have same level of goodness and sympathy. That's why some people becomes extremely selfish but some people not only helps others but also sacrifice their own life to save lives when disaster hits. After all, it's a five second mental war between ego and sympathy before we get to decide whether we should do bad or good.
