Saturday, April 13, 2019

End of world

The blue sky no longer existed overhead, now it was a red one. Scientist say that the sky was red because of the lack of large bodies of water. Others say that our ancestors cursed us by leaving the blue skied world behind. This curse turned our new home into hell thence the red sky. Personally I just think that we're too close to the sun. I am martian have been all my life. Its not all what it is cracked up to be honestly. My ancestors came because they could. On earth they had made their wealth mining petroleum and when the planet died from it they ran. Now I am here stuck on this planet with the descendants of other earth notabilities. My family doesn't socialize much with the other inhabitants. Its hard to talk about anything other than background and lineage on this planet. What else would we have to compare each other to then the past prestige of our ancestors. Fortunately after the world ended no one bothered to take the internet with them to mars with them. Imagine the power that person would have. The sole owner of the collective knowledge of the human race within one persons hands. I shuttered at the thought of an all knowing dictator with access to the crimes my grandparents committed.

to be continued...

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