Tuesday, April 30, 2019

In this image I see a person leading other people and it looks like the other people can’t see. It looks like the people following the leader are blind because they are holding sticks and their facial expression looks like they can’t see where they are going.  In the second image I see a women with her breath about to pop out. She is on top of what it looks like to be dead people surrounded by soldiers. In the third image I see a road surrounded by a field of crop or corn. I also see birds flying over the field with a blue sky. In the fourth I see two shades of brown with a dogs head in between both of the shades. In the fifth image I see an old house by a lake which is surrounded by tress. I see a carriage in the water being dragged by a horse. In the sixth picture I see a picture of the last supper, which is Jesus in the middle surrounded by his followers sitting at a table. In the seventh image I see a naked women standing a sea shell. She is standing on the ocean and is surrounded by a women and what it looks like to be a angel holding another women.

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