Thursday, April 11, 2019

Blindness Pgs. 16-19

From pages 16 to 19 in the novel Blindness, we meet a character that disguised as a good Samaritan, turns out to be a criminal.  The man offers the man who became blind while driving that he will be so kind as to drive him to his home. Which is exactly what the blind man was asking any kind person to do.  We later find that the volunteering man steals the blind man's car. I don't think that the volunteering man set out to steal the blind man's car. I think he genuinely wanted to help the blind man. Yet, when the opportunity to steal the car presented itself, it was more than the volunteering man could handle, because as I mentioned before the man was a criminal. And as it happens, his area of expertise is Grand Theft Auto.  The thief drives away, only to find some miles later that he too has gone blind.

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