Monday, May 6, 2019

Ending of the novel

As I kept reading finally reaching the end of the book, it did not fail to maintain my interest.  A lot of horrible things happened in this story. I think the author showed how easily a society can break down when faced with unthinkable tragedies and despair.  Once stripped of their daily comforts and comfort zones, human beings can become very erratic, at a very fast pace. The book shows that when   danger is imminent, and the threat of death becomes too real, most people will abandon all of societies protocol. Soon it becomes a "every man for himself" mentality, and survival of the fittest. It also shows how even when things are at their worst and gloomiest, there are still people that are so inhumane and deplorable that they would dare to do what the hoodlums from the third ward did.  But at least they paid the price for their disgusting crimes at the hands of the doctor's wife, and the woman with the cigarette lighter. The hoodlums got just what they deserved, and I was glad for it.
I'm also glad the book ended the way it did, although, I felt bad for the doctor's wife. After the horrific ordeal she went through, and now have to deal with that condition. But I imagine she also will soon be fine.

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