Sunday, May 19, 2019

Final day

My favorite aspects of the class was the class discussion we had after we read the text. What I learned is to read and understand old English writing. What I still need to work on is to cite my writing sources.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Last day of class

The last day of class was really great. I enjoyed hearing everyone stories . English 102  was a difficult class how ever it was worth it. I left with a lot of knowledge. My favorite part of the class was the writing the blog post . I enjoyed the last two books that we read along with the movies .

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Last day of Class

English 102 was a challenging class. I have learned many things, especially about the literature's genres. I enjoyed writing poems and was my first time writing a poem. the collection was the most difficult assignment since I started college. I did learn a lot about research papers, and the process to construct an essay. I need to keep practicing my writing and punctuation. My favorite text that was read on the last day of class was the collection about the history of Rock N' Roll. Thanks to professor Talbird for his help and patience.!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

English 102, last day

Well, today was our last day of class and it's kind of bittersweet, I mean I'm happy the semester is over, and I'm glad we were all able to finish English 102. Yet,  I got to admit the class was challenging. And I for one am glad that it was so. And in a way, I'm going to miss this particular class, the assignments given were both educational and challenging. Challenging in the sense that we really had to read and understand so that we could have intelligent discussions of the readings in class. Also, so that the reviews we wrote about in the blog also made sense. In other words this class kept on us on our toes, it did me anyway. This English 102 class made me realize that I had a hidden likeness, or desire for reading, but I guess I was oppressing it.  The last time I read a book was because I had to, and it was many years ago in high school. Yet, reading the assigned books from class, I found myself getting deeper and deeper into the plots, and couldn't wait to have time to go back and continue where I had left off. This made me want to research other great novels, and literature, and even wrote a list of about 15 classic books I want to read within the next year or so, maybe two years.  I'm also thankful I had to take this class because it helped me improve my writing skills even more. I feel this course helped me sharpen my writing skills, and writing style via the books we read. I wouldn't just read, I would also pay attention to sentence structures, and the author's writing style, which I feel influenced some my recent writings.  Overall, I feel this class was a great learning experience for me. I have never written so much for one project. The longest papers I have written have been about seven pages including the bibliography and author's note. I'm proud of myself for stepping up to the challenge of writing this collection, I had never even heard of a collection in this sense before. Till now, the only collection I was familiar with was my collection of old records. I'm proud of the job I did on my collection, I learned a lot while writing it. Anyway, I'm glad that it's all over, but I am going to miss the class. Hope everyone did well.

Final Week

This week of the blog is optional. Anyone who posts will get extra credit. Some things you may want to write about:

  • What were your favorite aspects of the class? What were your least favorite? What did you learn? What do you still need to work on? 
  • What was your favorite text that was read on the last day of class? Give a shout out to your favorite fellow writers.
  • How do you feel about your final collection? Have you ever written so much before? 

Monday, May 13, 2019

As we finished reading the book & Seeing the movie I enjoyed both , but reading the book made me think what would happen if we ever hit that situation ? And that epidemic , in my opinion I think I wouldn’t survive if I go months without eating. I’ll try my best to stay alive but there was a part in a film where I felt so sad and disgusted too when the dogs where eating the dead people body , The men raping the women in order to get food , do men have to do such atrocities just to fulfill their needs? Some people are born blind & some get blind by time and they learn how to cope with it and the book and the film showed that . This book was really interesting and reading out first novel with the professor Swenson was also fun , these two books made my English class different from the previous one I have had . My previous would always be about poem and boring autobiography and documentary , I for sure always felt asleeep !

Sunday, May 12, 2019

blindness film

the movie was spectacular, was a good experience, because many scenes were exactly as how I imagined them when I was reading the book. when I started to read the book I was imaging how were physically the character to have an idea, but i never though the first blind man was an Asian person, and it was good because he did a good job in the movie, and my favorite character as in the book, was the Doctor, and enjoyable character. I would like to see the scene where the group of people commanded by the Doctor's wife find an old woman who was eating raw rabbits to survive, that didn't happen in the movie, I think it could have been a good scene.