Thursday, January 31, 2019

Foreword to BAP 2018

I think it's instructive for us to read and think about David Lehman's foreword to Best American Poetry 2018, esp. since you all will have to write your own forewords. Some questions to consider:

  • How does this foreword work in relation to the anthology of poetry that we're about to read? 
  • What does the opening (introduction) do? How does it relate to what comes after?
  • He's got three sections in the foreword which he divides with asterisks (***). What purpose does ea. section serve?
  • What questions did you have after reading the foreword? Do you feel better qualified to write your own? 


  1. The opening of the foreword to BAP 2018 the author starts off by speaking about the previous guest editor's that have participated in BAP and describe what they have continued to do. "Why the New Yorker "still publishes poems""(Lehman xiii) This question was asked to David Remnick and Lehman goes ahead and addresses this question in his foreword. I think this is an important factor to what comes after because the poems in the book will help to justify in why it is still done. I think Lehman did this just to prove a point and also make the readers have another perspective in when they go along and read the poetry. Poetry is very pushed to the side and not valued so with Lehman's foreword people could later understand why it is important to certain people and the essence of poetry over time. After reading this foreword I came up to many ideas on how I should write mine on my topic in regards to make it interesting and worthy. Although I am still a little worried because it is tricky on how much information should be set in your foreword.

  2. What are major reasons that poetry has depleted in American society? After reading this foreword, it gives a sense of why a foreword is significant and helpful. The foreword is talking of how a low percentage of Americans read poetry and its decline.

  3. The questions I have after reading David Lehman's foreword is whether he feels that people aren't into poetry? I don't feel better qualified to write my own foreword?

  4. The foreword by David Lehman is basically about 1) how poetry is not as popular as other literary genres and his own argument against it, 2) his years-long friendship with Dana Gioia and his faith in him that he is one of the best editors to do the job, and 3) while he was working on this book, he paid tributes to a couple of poets whose poems had been published in this book because they could not make it to see their works. All in all, his purpose in each section is to let readers know how much effort they put into this art piece and we should truly appreciate it.

  5. I think on the one hand it's a bold thing to open the BAP w/ an exploration of the sorry state of poetry in society. But on the other hand it's kind of obvious. I don't think Lehman explores why this might the case though. I have theories. One might be that we have become a nation of writers--text message, Facebook, Twitter, user comments, etc. We're all very busy writing and fewer and fewer of us are reading. I think the fact that so many poets exist and yet so few poetry books sell fits this pattern of behavior.

  6. The opening to the book serves as to why he has written the poetry in the first place. It gives a sort of backstory of some kind. The foreword builds context before the reader reads the collection of poetry.

  7. The opening ( introduction ) helps us understand the history about the writers. How poetry is being forgotten. it explains what authenticity means , that poetry its a way of expressing your feelings ,making it a devotion to one life defining the use of language that make it sound better in a piece of paper or in front of an audience.

  8. David Lehman's foreword to Best American Poetry 2018, works in relation to the anthology of the poetry because it gives us a bit of a background as to why or how these poems are in fact the best of 2018. The foreword helps us understand how these poems were picked and why it is believed to be the best american poetry of 2018.
    After reading the foreword, it made me think of how i will be completing my own foreword for my collection. I'm still a little confused about the format of the foreword but i understand the concept and how to start it. I am a little more confident about writing my own but i feel as though i still need a better understanding of it.

  9. This opening (Introduction) basically tells you about how poetry was and how poetry starts and how everyone read poetry and most people have write poetry too, then he moves on to talk about how the decline throw the years of poetry. Like the popularity of poetry goes down, less and less people are reading poetry or writing. Most people today couldn't even name a living poet today or a couple of line from a poem. He is trying to say that is how out of touche people are from poetry.

  10. The opening introduction brings the audience in by explaining the earlier life of the guest editors life and what it does for the future of the article it makes the audience have a better understanding of the passage to better comprehend the article. I am still confused on how to write my own foreword because i am still confused on what a foreword really is, and how am i going to write my own.

  11. After reading the foreword I want to know if the purpose of the foreword is to tell the reader how to expect to feel when reading the book. It also introduces the main topic that the author wrote about in the book. The topic seems to be about poetry and whether it's still relevant or not today.
    When I first read the foreword I wasn't entirely sure what I would be able to write for mine. Now, I have a better idea of what to write. The topic that I choose should be included here and my main argument behind it.

  12. The foreword works in relation to the anthology of poetry that we're about to read by talking about editors, authors, their viewpoints and understanding on poems and poetry. They begin to discuss poetry in society and how people don't really cherish it in a sense. They go on to talk about how less people want to become poets nowadays.

  13. I think the introduction of the book give us an idea about who are the main characters and what they do. also the introduction try to tell how the character have the devotion for what they do

  14. David Lehman's foreword to Best American Poetry 2018, provides us with some background knowledge on poetry itself. He explains how throughout the years people still not only read poetry but have also become aspiring poets. Lehman says that in a 25 year time period this attraction to poetry has increased.

  15. The opening introduction gives you a back story into writes life and their accomplishments its kind of brings you on the writers journey. is a forward a way for the reader to better understand you or is it a way to show your credential? I DO not feel better about writing my own foreword there are still some missing gaps that I have.

  16. One question that i have after reading David Lehman's forward is as to why he starts questioning about poetry rather than go straight to point about poetry. i do think i feel just a bit better qualifying to write my own forward however i fell that i don't want it to be too long or short.

  17. In the opening introduction the author David Lehman's explains how there are little people know about poetry. He later then explains how not many people appreciate poetry, he later begins to give three examples of how can poetry matter.

  18. In the opening (introduction) of this forward David Lehman, starts to express how in today's society poetry is irrelevant. He explains that most people if asked, can not name a living author. He quotes Robert Bair author of the Esquire Piece, as saying "pass much time in the company of poets, young or old, online or off, and soon enough you'll find yourself privy to the cycles of consternation and dismay inspired by the general insignificance of poetry. That's a pretty bold and harsh statement. Yet, I feel it does summarize most people's opinion of poetry today. This relates to what comes after in the foreword because it lays the platform, for his argument on just how relevant poetry is to modern society.

  19. In this opening, the author is introducing some of the guest editors. I think the opening help us to get more information about them. The author also mention their works, and their history together. After reading the foreword we now what can we expect as we read the book I also. I dont feel qualified to write my own foreword at all yet but this reading was helpful to get and idea.

  20. I believe that David Lehman wanted focus on feeling and thinking of people and they feel what can cause the poetry. This foreword work in relation to the anthology of poetry show us the development of his job like poetry in trying to present. I was wondering how many pages it was required to write the foreword. I feel kind of better to write, create, and connect better my own foreword.

  21. The opening of the story gives us an overview of some writers and editors of poetry and overall writing companies. It allows the reader to ease into the topic of poetry while still getting background on it. the foreword has to relate to what come after because it is like a preview to a movie. It gives you some history about the writers of the poetry before we get into reading their published work.

  22. The Foreword sets the time period in which the poems are being published. The period in which the poems are written sets the stage for interpretation and context. Lehman’s Foreword outlines the state of poetry and notable figures within the poetry publishing industry. David Lehman also introduces his guest editor and establishes their credentials and his relation to him within the foreword. The three asterisks are used by Lehman to this effect. Each Asterisk is followed by the introduction of a person of interest. The person is introduced and their accomplishments and contributions towards poetry is expanded upon. A question I have after reading the foreword is David’s role in this project and his own background that has led him to working on this poetry collection.
